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Aantmanam- the movement is to rediscover the vedic.

Monday 14 December 2015

स्मृति का अर्थ : AantmanAM

Earn While You Learn

For Majority of Youth faced with career dilemmas and work life balance issues
Aatmanam is the only place where Freedom, Independence to work and to attain salvation in the modern day ruthless society is possible
Those wanting to work independently with capacity to invest Rs.10 lakhs May apply with full details to youraatmanam@gmail.com inquiries in no other form will be entertained


Tuesday 8 December 2015

आयुर्वेद <> धार्मिक वृक्ष

आयुर्वेद  एक धार्मिक वृक्ष ही है बल्‍कि इसे स्वास्थ्य के लिए अति असरकारी माना गया है। यह इलाज 24 घंटे काम आते हैं इसलिये यह स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य को निखारने वाली सकारात्‍मक उपायों में से एक है। लोग अपनी सेहत निखारना चाहते हैं और अपने खाने के कांम्‍बिनेशन पर विशेष ध्‍यान देते हैं। स्वास्थ्य पर विशेष ध्‍यान एक साथ ही कई सारी चीज़ों का प्रयोग इकठ्ठा करने का उल्लेख हैं।

Aatmanam: शेयर करें , ट्वीट करें ,कमेंट करें ,ई-मेल करें ।

Monday 7 December 2015

संक्रमाक रोग Vs औषधि


दर्द ,पीड़ा ,खुजली, जलन एवं उत्तेजना त्वचा के असंक्रमाक रोग  हैं। उपचार के लिए https://www.facebook.com/aatmanam एवं प्रशासक औषधियों का उपयोग सफाई के लिए उपयोग किया जा सकता है ।

Saturday 5 December 2015

Learning Series

No one who dedicates himself in the service of god must go hungry so it is willed in the divine prophecy.
All associates in the noble cause of spreading systematically the vedic teachings will thrive and be considered brahmana in the resurgent brahmanic era

Friday 4 December 2015

Aantmanam - एक फायदे अनेक

No one who dedicates himself in the service of god must go hungry so it is willed in the divine prophecy. All associates in the noble cause of spreading systematically the vedic teachings will thrive and be considered brahmana in the resurgent brahmanic era 

Aatmanam- the movement is to rediscover the vedic teachings and emphasize their importance in developing a healthy social structure and evolution of the human grain towards divine beings.
The feat is herculean but with divine decree and enlightenment the process has been started and shall be accomplished only and only with divine blessings. As willed by brahmana associates are being solicited to join in this divine project of-”Save the human race –the Hindu way”